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Sunday 16 September 2018

The Luxury of Necessities

Hello dearest blog visitors, how I've missed you all and missed writing as well. The only reason I can give right now for the long hiatus is that life has been happening to me. Between work, family, studies, charity obligations and health issues, I have had my hands mighty full. 

Still, I rise. ☺️☺️☺️

I want to write very quickly about the luxuries of life but not as you know it. I am not referring to private jets and private beaches, nor yachts and sleek boats, nor castles and mansions, nor champagne and caviar, nor lush and plush designer wears. 

Nope, I am talking about the luxury of the necessities of life such as being alive and being able to do the simplest and most basic things such as taking a bath unaided, being able to brush your teeth daily, being able to wear what you want and go to where you wan unhindered. I am talking about being pain-free and being able to swim and dance on a whim without restrictions. Those for me right now, are the luxuries of life. 

One does not really value freedom until it is taken away from them. Let me rephrase that; do not appreciate freedom until it is out of your reach. The freedom to come and go as you please without being dependent on other is a mighty fine luxury which a lot of us are privileged to have. I had that freedom snatched from me a few weeks ago but you know I am a kickass Survivor who thrives and soars above challenges, right? πŸ˜‰ I am on the mend now and feeling much better, thank you for asking. Lol 

Overall, what I am saying is this; live your best life. Do not wait until freedom is taken away from you, however slightly, before you live right. Go ahead and do that thing you've been itching to do. Go dancing, go watch a movie, turn up your music and dance with reckless abandon, eat good food, wear your good clothes and shoes, don't just save them for special occasions, laugh hard, make others smile, feed the hungry around you, share love and happiness, be #AllHeartsAlways, let go of hurt, make peace with that person that's got you all wound up, take long walks and even short ones too, dance in the rain (but don't catch a chill), drum, be merry and of good cheer. 

Add to my list and do any or all of these things, just make sure you remain happy and content for these are the real luxuries of life, the ability to be able to do these things and more. 

Have a prosperous week ahead.

p.s: If you are going through some hard stuff at the moment, listen to the lyrics of the song below and be encouraged. You will pull through and come out stronger. xx