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Wednesday 30 November 2022

Life And Curve Balls


It often comes at you quite unexpectedly, fast and hard. Sometimes, the curve balls life throws at us comes out of the blue and smacks us in the face. There's nothing we can do to stop or properly prepare us for these curve balls when they hit other than to do our best to rise above the challenges and emotions that comes with.

I feel like there should have been a course in university tagged 'Life, Curve balls and Adulthood: How to overcome." A full module with real life case studies helping us to know what shockers life could and would have waiting for us as we approach adulthood, and likely solutions to help overcome these challenges when they do come.

I have been through some really deep, life-threatening, life-changing situations in the time I have spent on earth so far (I do not go by the e-name Survivor17 by mistake) but the events of the past one year broke me in more ways than I can ever put down here succinctly. In simpler words, life has shown me pepper shege ooooooooo BUT I no gree. 😁I am not one to give up or quit on anything at all. So for every Gbas (hit) life lands me, I give back as much of a resounding Gbos (hit back), even if this just means taking it all up on the shin but not giving up on life itself.

Anyway, that is gist a post for another day.

Today, I am here to show gratitude for my life being preserved after I had a near-fatal accident six years ago. I wrote a bit about it here back then but I did not quite capture what happened in details. It was bad and up till now, I still do not know how I came out of that wreckage alive. The crushed car was totally written off. I was returning home from a work event with a colleague, who was driving, when we got hit by something and our car started somersaulting. For some weird reason, I felt a very calming peace envelope me but after I counted the fourth overturn, I just closed my eyes and resigned myself to fate. Several somersaults afterwards and we came to a halt on the other side of the road facing the wrong way. 

After the accident, we were helped AND robbed by passersby. The car was a complete write-off. It was a wild experience but I am glad I lived to tell the story. Between then and now, I have been the Survivor I always am, regardless of what life throws at me. Still, I keep rising. πŸ’ͺπŸ˜ƒ

In conclusion, adulthood is harder than the rock of Gibraltar but we must persevere and LIVE life right. When life throws lemons at you, cut them up, pour them into a glass cup, add some vodka and ice and drink up.
