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Monday 30 January 2023

Just Be Happy

Hello people and a very happy new week to you all. Adulthood has been adulthooding and it's a drag that's so different from balabluebulaba what we ever imagined it would seem. I strongly feel there should be a critical course offered in all universities called LIFE; Brace yourself or something like that, which would prepare people for what's ahead. Our various experiences make for more than enough live case studies.

Amidst all of these though, we must make very conscious and precise efforts to remain happy and keep smiling, come what may lest we find ourselves spiraling into a dark place within our own minds. These days, we have a generation of sad people with happy cameras in good phones. Make sure you’re happy in real life. Don't be intimidated by all you see on social media but let your heart feel and experience real joy. 

Have a splendid week ahead and don't forget to be #AllHeartsAlways πŸ’“πŸ˜Š

Monday 16 January 2023

Japa And Anyhowness

 The anyhowness of Nigerians is a disease that remains to be studied for understanding and solutions. If you are still wondering what anyhowness means, according to the urban dictionary, it means "doing things without direction". However, my own definition of this is simply "the carrying out of recklessness and rude acts that mostly endangers the lives of others and yourself, without you giving a single care in the world whilst you are at it". 

Japa on the other hand is another local term for migration. In the past couple of years, the number of Nigerians migrating to other countries, far and near, have been mind-blowing and scary especially those in the medical field. It is looking like we might either have to travel out for medical care ourselves or just resort to trado-medical care when ill as doctors and nurses have left the country in droves.

Anyway, when you combine these two words, you can see that the international level of disgrace and embarrassment awaiting migrants without common sense and decency is only a matter of time. I see how a lot of people carry themselves daily in their interactions with others. I see the condescending arrogance with which line managers and employers relate to their staff and I just know how utterly unacceptable that would be over there in the better civilized countries. Over there, people have values placed on their lives and mental well-being is taken very seriously.

People need to know to do better across board and treat others with respect. You cannot carry your anyhowness abroad and expect to get away with it the way you do over here. Your silly ass self will go to jail and/or get deported before you can say Jack Robinson. Here in Naija, even when a person is breaking a law or doing something utterly stupid, they will have co-idiots Voltrons to defend and support them. The amount of anyhowness I witness daily is just mind-boggling. Full adults would eat a snack in their cars and chuck the wraps out the window. Never mind that the items they litter the roads and invariably gutters with cause bigger problems for us all soon enough, but what do they care when they can easily blame the government for incompetence. When you, the logical law-abiding citizen, try to correct them and make see the errors of their ways, they and others around them will turn on you for not minding your business and (check this bit out) also for trying to render the street sweepers jobless!!!!!!! Every time I hear this thought process, I legit well up in tears at how pathetic the situation is.

Anyhowness is why people employ underaged staff and maltreat them. They just don't care. Anyhowness is why drivers feel the need to face oncoming vehicles without a care for how the rightful lane owners would go about their way. They just don't care. Anyhowness is why an inexperienced and unqualified person would open a hospital/pharmacy and run it like they know what they are doing while killing and maiming innocent people. They just don't care. Anyhowness is a politician brutally assaulting a shop attendant yet going ahead to contest for further political positions. He just doesn't care. 

The list is endless but you get my point, yes? So for those of you who have already japa-ed or are planning to, you better unlearn the huge craps you have learnt over the years and have an open mind towards people, situations and things in general. If you do anyhow out there, you will collect wotowoto and it will serve you right.

Friday 13 January 2023

Happy New Year 2023

 Yes. I know today is the 13th already but I'm sure it's still a brand sparkling new year for some. πŸ˜€

I miss writing.......

I miss you all. my faithful blog followers and readers............

I aim to be happier, healthier, write-ier, upload-ier and all of that this year. πŸ˜€

As always, I wish you all a brilliant year ahead. Whatever you do this year and regardless of what happens, ensure you keep forging ahead for better. Life is way too short to be miserable and sad. Live a little.

Keep being #AllHeartsAlways