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Saturday 29 April 2023

Undulating Adulthood

Adulthood........ gosh I remember how eager we all were to attain adulthood and live our best lives without a care in the world. LOL. Well, would you look at us now? Battling with all the fcukeries that comes with adulthood and then some. Wading our ways through the paths life daily charts us, nary a solid clue (for most) of how to truly get there but striving to, we keep at. 

I think the part no one and nothing prepared me for the most is grief. Loosing friends and loved ones and not knowing what to do with all the pains and aches but letting it hit hard every now and then whilst yet keeping up a brave face to the world, a façade of beauty, strength and flair above the intense pains and gloom grief bears like sour gifts. 

Adulthood......... You know you have done more than enough and you know you are worth way more yet doubts cling on to you like luxury perfumes on garments adorned. Yet, you keep going because those looking up to you and drawing strength from you are many. They are legion and you simply cannot let them down because to let them down is to let yourself down. So you keep pushing........... to what end? Doesn't matter really. To keep their dream alive because they live forever in your heart largely so their visions and hopes doesn't die with them. 

Just keep going and try not to hurt or be hurt too much. Be any type of adult you simply can but just be a kind one while you are adulting.............................................

P.s. The above was written on a whim and served as a ladder, an outlet if you may, from a dark place into a place of light and love. If it made no sense to you, it's OK. Keep going. If it made sense to you, know that you are not alone, ok?

Live. Love. Dance. Smile