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Friday 14 February 2020

Lovely day, Daily Love

Happy valentine's day. Before you fanatics have a fit on whether this day is for pagans or whatchamacallit, take a deep breath first.

Knowing how topsy-turvy the world has become when it comes to the amount of hate-crimes against humanity we read about everyday, I think it is just as well that we have an entire day on the calendar set aside to celebrate LOVE and LOVERS.

So please cut us some slack and allow people show and display their love for themselves.

Do have a special and beautiful valentine's day. Remember to love and show love every single day though.


Thursday 13 February 2020

New Is New Whenever New!

Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooo everyone, especially all ye faithful blog visitors of mine. :) I cannot believe it has been this long since I last posted on here. Sigh. *covers eyes in shame o*

Anyway, I'm here now and I wish you all a very splendid and prosperous new year. Yes, the new year starts whenever I say it does and I say it starts again now. There's no rule that states we have to be stuck in a rut for always.

Well, here's to new and beautiful changes in each of our lives. So much has happened to/with me in the past six months but the one thing I have taken away from it all is that life is too short so I MUST live! Not merely living but living right and living well.

Cheers to 2020!

I will do better with writing and blogging this year. :D