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Thursday 25 April 2024

Adulting And It's Chokehold

Hi people, goodness me I cannot believe it's been this long since I wrote or even posted. I do apologize for the gaps, but you see, adulting has had me in a tight chokehold. There doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day for me to get everything done, and there's definitely enough time for me to rest like I would and even when I do try to get a lie down and rest, my mind and brain then decide to do fun activities and everything but rest. 

To be honest, half the adults I've spoken with in the past two weeks sounded like we all needed adultier adults to step in, however briefly, and give us some quality time-off or something because whatttttttttttttttttttttt, we are unable to can anymore. Point us to the direction of these adultier adults please. :)

And to think we were all so keen to grow up and do adult things. rolling my eyes at us all Nothing fully prepared us for the responsibilities that adulthood comes with. These things were not shown or discussed enough around us while we grew up and longed for adulthood. 

As a matter of fact, methinks there needs to be a module/course every undergraduate MUST take that sheds some light on expectations and challenges one might encounter as an adult in the real world. It would cover issues such as jobs or a lack thereof, feeding habits, traffic, travel, friendships (fake and real), envy, relationships, marriages (successful and failed ones), finances (this one ehnnnnn), love, rest, joys, religions, office politics, back-stabbing friends and devious family members, intuitions and gut-feelings, parenting, etc. The full works because dare I say, there are more than enough real-life case studies on all these and several likely outcomes as well.

Gosh, the joy I feel right now just typing this post out. I have indeed missed writing and wish I could have enough time and mental energy to write more but as you can see, adulting has me hooked by my non-existent hairy balls. πŸ˜„

Am I right or am I right? How's adulting treating you at the moment? πŸ’–