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Sunday 10 December 2017

No Always Means NO!!!!!

No means NO.

It hurts me that in this day and age, we still must explain and hope people understand that when a person says NO to having sex with another, it actually means just that, NO. Sometimes, no might not even mean never but it definitely means not now. I've read and heard about how some men have gotten down to have sex with some chic they met or what not and then when she takes off her panties, they immediately decline because they feel the odour emanating from her nether regions are offensive to them. 

No means NO.

Now, imagine them being forced to have with sex with the girl in question regardless. He said no and went about his way and this is ok, so why force a girl to have sex with you after she says no? Why do you feel the need to convince someone who rejected you from the onset, even if she "didn't mean to say no"

No means NO.

Imagine also constantly seeing several adverts for a nice classy luxury car, the sort you feel you really deserve but know you cannot afford. Day in, day out, you see the advert for this vehicle flash across all your social media platforms, on TV, radio and even on billboards on your way to and from work. Then one day, you come across a showroom and there sits the car of your dreams, spinning and all shiny. You walk up to the sales person and request to see the vehicle up close and they oblige you. You walk around it, stunned at the sheer beauty and luxury of this really cool and awesome vehicle. You run your hands along the fender and marvel at the amount of technology, style and beauty that's gone into every detail of the car. You ask to sit inside it and again, they oblige you. The soft but solid leather seat welcomes and envelopes you as you sink into it's lushness. The combined smell of new leather and wood tickle all your senses and then you request to take it out for a short spin and they say NO.

What do you do then seeing as you cannot afford to buy the car and it is NOT yours to have? Would you forcefully drive the car out of the showroom or would you respectfully get your butt out of the car, keep admiring from a distance and save towards owning one?

No means NO.

It's so easy to blame girls who find themselves in a man's apartment and get raped but the truth is that NO means NO. Things could happen, plans can go awry and one might find oneself in the same house/room with someone they do not want to have sex with. You never can even begin to imagine how events can lead up to such a moment but it does happen, regardless of if they have a partner or what not. When you want to have sex with someone and they decline, leave them be. Don't let lust drive you to the point of rape. You are an adult with a brain, use it to control your urges no matter the temptation laid before you. Exercising self control just might be what stops you from destroying a person's life and getting a prison sentence for it or even worse, an STI or death..

No means NO.

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